Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Method of English Learning in 2 State High School Ngawi (SMA 2 Ngawi)

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society.
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English language skills is one capability that is crucial in obtaining employment. So high school students are taught various methods of learning English in a variety of types. Such as:

1.) Speaking : You will listen to sample conversations (short conversataion / dialogue) from the narrator then you can take part of that conversation. The conversation includes the phrase - an expression commonly used in speak every day and adjusted to the situation. For example: conversations about the activities in the office, hospital, hotel, etc. You also can interact directly with Native Speakers (FAQ).

2.)  Listening : You will hear some examples of conversations that took place in a place (in the form of question and answer, then you can take part in the conversation, either as a questioner or the answering of questions), listening to explanations narrators of American culture (your will see a video of cities in America and an explanation of the culture and you also can read the English text if you have trouble listening to the explanation), as well as listening to instructions from the narrator about what you should do on a topic that you will learn.

3.) Writing : You will learn to write answers on the practice pronunciation, grammar, spouse word / phrase match, describing the image. Because you have a choice in providing answers. Such as voice or text.

4) Pronunciation : You will hear how the pronunciation of words (intonation and stress) in correct English. After that, you will do the pronunciation exercises and you will be assessed a percentage of what you've said the words correctly? You can do it again and again until perfect.

5) Vocabulary : You will be doing a lot of practice in this session. For example, selecting the most appropriate word in a reading, complete sentences, synonyms, antonyms (opposite words).

6) Reading : You will read the text on the reading and then you answer the questions. Activities in this session is related to vocabulary sessions including reading comprehension.

7) Grammar & Structure : You will learn how to make a correct English sentence that is adjusted with time. Before preparing a sentence, you will learn several types of words that is the basic / fundamental in preparing the English sentence. For example, nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, etc. Once you understand the explanation, you can do exercises that are very varied. The more you work on a variety of exercises then you will increasingly understand / know how to actually make a correct English sentence.

8.)  English Games : You would be interested to learn English in the form of the game. This is one method that again a trend for the world of childrens. You can enjoy this game but few understand English because the instructions in English.

With these methods, students in senior high school will get a lot of knowledge about English teaching by different methods. And they will be easier to develop English language skills in college that they want.
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13 komentar:

  1. I think your article is very good. Because can make smart students.. :-)

  2. great blogg,,
    thank for th informationn,,

  3. good article.. is very interesting...

  4. nice blog. I like about your article.. :-)

  5. good job . . . :)

  6. education is number one in our life,,,
    great blog.... :-)

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